Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to stay inspired as an artist

Recently I visited an open-gallery event in my city at a building that hosted art studios called The Pendleton.
While walking around viewing the artwork, I conducted an informal interview with a few artists I could find. I was terribly surprised at their answers to the question "What is your greatest challenge as an artist?"

They all said they had trouble staying inspired!

Now, with every creative discipline, we all struggle to create fresh, inspiring works. Authors have writers block, and artists get artists block. I asked these artists how they deal with these periods of dead air, and these are a few of their suggestions:
-Go to a place that inspires you (suggested by a landscape painter), and just keep trying!
-Change the size or medium that you usually work in.
-Work on other work during these periods, and engage in other creative activities such as gardening, quilting, or sewing- anything to keep your creative side engaged!

This is a hints-and-tips sneak peek at how I keep myself inspired day-to-day:

This is my inspiration wall. It consists of drawings I've made, articles I've clipped, work that people have made for me, inspirational photos, notes about what I need to work on in my art, etc. It keeps me creatively-focused, reminding me where I've been, and inspiring me about where I need to go.

Keep some books around to flip through for ideas, reference, or just to get some creative juices flowing! I keep old sketchbooks around too, to remind myself of my previous styles.

Just keep some things you like around your place- whether it's your studio, or your living space, or wherever you need that comforting aspect added to your daily environment. It's important to feel comfortable in your own space.

Other suggestions:
-Have a slide show of inspiring photos playing on your computer, to the tune of your favorite iTunes playlist.
-Find a great, inspiring website that offers little tidbits of beauty every day! *Cough*likethiswebsite!

I hope this helps you find your creative niche!

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